Start Date: 6/15/2023 4:00 PM PDT
End Date: 6/15/2023 6:00 PM PDT
Venue Name: 601 City Center
601 12th St, 2nd Floor Conference Center
Oakland, CA United States 94607
Organization Name:

Associate Registration is Sold Out, please email Gabriel if you'd like to be added to the waitlist.
New Associate members can purchase a slot for this event and gain direct access to high-level property management members.. The session is organized in a rotating format to be followed by a reception for attendees. Principal members will sit according to property at small tables while associates rotate through the room on a timed basis-much like a speed dating format.
For Principal Members, this will give you the opportunity to share knowledge as you learn more about products and services available in the market. All while getting to know the people and companies that provide them in a meaningful way. For Associates, the chance to have one-on-one conversations with property management VIPs. To gain an understanding of the needs of the Principal Member base and how market conditions of specific trades, services, and production innovations come into play.
For Associate Members, this event will give your the chance to have one-on-one conversations with property management VIPs. You'll gain an understanding of the needs of the Principal Member base and how market conditions of specific trades, services, and production innovations come into play.