Start Date: 8/28/2024 5:30 PM PDT
End Date: 8/28/2024 8:30 PM PDT
Venue Name: Faction Brewing
2501 Monarch St
Alameda, CA United States 94501
Organization Name:
BOMA Oakland East Bay

Building Members
Arrr, it be that time o' year again! Sign up today fer our Annual Showcase at Faction Brewing on Wednesday, August 28. If ye had a jolly time last year playin' Pirate Treasure Map, ye'll love the chase to the treasure chest! This grand showcase be yer chance to visit our associate members and learn about their wondrous wares and services. They’ll help ye solve any troubles ye be havin' with yer building.
Make sure to bring yer entire crew, includin' the engineers, fer registration be free as a sea breeze. Don't be missin' out on the connections, great grub, beer & wine, and networking, all while enjoyin' the finest view this side of the Seven Seas! Arrr!
Invite your fellow principal members of BOMA San Francisco or BOMA Silicon Valley, please direct them to
Gabriel Escobedo to register.
Associate Members
Arrr, listen up, ye scallywags! Only the BOMA OEB Associate Members can participate in the showcase as exhibitors. This grand opportunity is exclusive to the loyal Associates of BOMA Oakland/East Bay; those with memberships at other BOMA locals but not at BOMA OEB cannot. Likewise, any Associate who fails to purchase a booth to exhibit at the show will be denied entry as a guest or volunteer. So, hoist yer colors and claim yer spot, or be left marooned! Arrr!
For more information, please check out the
table map and the
Exhibitor Registration is now closed. All booths have been sold. If you'd like to join the waiting list, please email Gabriel.
Arrr, here be the schedule for ye landlubbers:
3:45 - 5:15 pm: Exhibitor Set-up
5:30 - 8:30 pm: The Show be Open
8:30 - 9:00 pm: Exhibitor Breakdown
Set yer sails and prepare for a grand adventure! Arrr!
CREATE Wine Vault
Ahoy, Principal Members! Ye'll need to complete yer pirate map to earn a key to the coveted wine vault. But fret not, for ye can increase yer chances of plunderin' the treasure by purchasin' more keys! So grab yer maps and ready yer doubloons, the bounty awaits! Arrr! Email Stephanie Fry from TMG Partners to secure your bronze spot!
Exhibitors fear not, you can claim the treasure by purchasin' keys!
Thank you to our sponsors for the wine vault:
Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsors: