Environment Guide

What is the Environment Guide?

The Environment Guide is a tool created to assist Oakland/East Bay Building Managers and Owners in transitioning their buildings to more sustainable operations. This guide is a collaboration between fellow BOMA members and Property Managers, California Waste Solutions, StopWaste.Org, PG&E, EBMUD, the City of Oakland Recycling Program, Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority. This guide is a project of the BOMA Oakland/East Bay (BOMA O/EB) Environment Workgroup, established in January 2007. Our mission is to reduce the environmental impact of member buildings and businesses by connecting members to sustainability resources and by sharing proactive sustainable strategies within our market.

Why did we create it?

According to data from the US Energy Information Administration, buildings are responsible for 48% of all energy consumption and green-house gas emissions annually. 76% of all power-plant generated electricity is used just to operate buildings. EBMUD reports non-residential buildings account for 31% of water consumed in the East Bay. Furthermore, StopWaste.Org reports the same buildings make up 65%-70% of solid waste sent to landfills in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Consequently, BOMA O/EB members have a fantastic opportunity to reduce our ecological footprint. By making simple steps such as reducing energy and water use, implementing recycling programs, and using more sustainable materials in construction, we can greatly reduce our impact, and reduce the need for government regulation. Greening your building does not need to be more expensive, in fact, within this guide are many cost-saving strategies and links to local organizations that have resources available to help you. Our goal is to provide the tools to enable BOMA O/EB members to be at the forefront of green building operations.

How to use the guide.

This Guide is an online living document. You can download and read a single chapter or all, depending on the projects at hand. Each chapter contains background information, simple steps and advice on a specific topic, and links to outside sources or organizations if you wish to read further or need assistance on a project. As a living document, it will be updated as information changes and as we tap into the expertise of others and expand the list of topics.

Chapter 1 Recycling
Step 1: Getting Started
Step 2: Who to Call
Step 3: Janitorial Team
Step 4: Essential Tools
Step 5: Special Wastes
Step 6: Retail Tenants
Step 7: Additional Resources
Chapter 2 Green Purchasing
Chapter 3 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 4 Water Use Efficiency
Chapter 5 Green Construction

Environmentally Preferable Janitorial Cleaning Products
Environmentally Preferable Janitorial Paper Supplies
Recycling & Trash Receptacles Suppliers List
Working with Janitorial Companies
Template for Container Count
Template How to Recycle Instructions
Template Mixed Recycling Instructions
Template Mixed Recycling Letter from Property Managers
Template Sample E-Cleanup Day Memo
Template Source Separated Letter to Tenants
Template Tenant Evaluations of Recycling Program