PG&E Business Programs
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs
PG&E Page on Rebates and Back Up Power Transfer Meters
PG&E Self-Generation Incentive Program Page
PG&E 24/7 Power Outage Information Center: 1-800-743-5002
PG&E General Phone Number: 1-800-743-6589
PG&E Business Customer Service Center - 1(800)468-4743
For switching accounts, setting up new accounts, billing inquiries, or reporting a power outage, you should to contact the PG&E Business Customer Service Center directly.
Building and Renovation Service Center - 1(877)743-7782
Anytime you are planning a shutdown for maintenance of your own equipment or installing new meters at a new site, please contact our Building and Renovation Service Center to start the process. You can also submit an application through Customer Connections Online at Once the application is processed, you will be assigned a representative. It is highly recommended that you submit the application as early as possible to avoid any issues.
PG&E’s Customer Connections Online
PG&E’s Customer Connections Online ( can help you keep your project on track. With this online tool, you can submit, track and manage your applications for:
- New Service Installations
- Electrical Shutdown Requests
- Service Relocations/Rearrangements
- Temporary Construction Power
- Electric Generation Interconnection Requests
PG& Tools
PG& has great tools that you can utilize by logging into your PG& account ( From there, you'll be able to access these great tools:
· The Business Energy Savings Tool is an easy way to track your energy use, get energy saving recommendations and create an energy savings plan. In just a few minutes you can find actionable tips based on your business.
· The Cost and Usage Tools are a collection of easy-to use online tools that help you pinpoint your usage patterns, see the impact of weather and your operating schedule, and compare any two bills in detail.
· With Bill Forecast Alerts, you can easily stay on top of monthly energy bills and avoid bill surprises. Just input the bill amount that you would like to have trigger an alert, then choose your best notification method: email, text, or phone.
· Most business customers have several rate options to choose from and with our Rate Analysis Tool you can see the different rate plans that apply to your account.
Public Safety Power Shutoff Program (PSPS)
Given the growing threat of extreme weather, we want all of our customers to be prepared for power outages. As you may know, if gusty winds and dry conditions, combined with a heightened fire risk, threaten a portion of the electric system serving your community, it may be necessary for us to turn off electricity in the interest of public safety. This is called a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS).
In 2020 and each year going forward, PG&E improved and will continue to improve our PSPS Program by making the events:
o Smaller in size – Reducing the number customers impacted by PSPS events by one-third compared to 2019.
o Shorter in duration – Restoring power to customers twice as fast after severe weather has passed.
o Smarter for customers – Providing more accurate and timely communications, additional resources and assistance before, during and after a PSPS event.
Here are some good resources for our PSPS Program:
· PSPS Program Fact Sheet (see attached).
· PSPS Outage Map - https://pgealerts.alerts.pge.
· Weather and PSPS Forecasting – Live weather information, including a 7-day PSPS potential lookahead.
· Safety Action Center – Information about wildfire risks, emergency preparedness and backup power for homes.
· Visit our new PSPS Large Business Webpage for PSPS information and resources to assist with your resiliency planning
· Review the PG&E Emergency Preparedness Checklist appropriate for your business.
· Receive notifications regarding facilities outside the area where you are based with Address Alerts. Sign up online to keep you and your colleagues informed about a potential PSPS at any important address.
CAISO Flex Alerts/Rotating Outages
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) recently declared a Flex Alert, urging everyone in California to reduce power usage between 4.p.m. and 9.p.m. and then the next day from 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. Conservation from large businesses like yours are instrumental to help the state keep the lights on for everyone. Additionally, we are asking that you encourage your employees to conserve power this weekend while they’re at home.
For that effort, you can share energy-saving tips with them from our website, Some of the tips include:
- Adjust your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher or turn it off if you will be away from home. Use a fan instead of air conditioning when possible.
- Draw drapes and turn off unnecessary lighting.
- Keep refrigerator full (with bottles of water if nothing else) and unplug your second refrigerator, if you have one.
- Avoid using electrical appliances and devices. Put off tasks such as vacuuming, laundry, dish washing and computer time until after 10 p.m.
- Set your pool pump to run overnight instead of during the day.
Here are some ways to stay informed about current system status:
- CAISO: Today's Outlook or “ISO Today” (Mobile App) for Grid Status
- For information on Flex Alerts, and to get more electricity conservation tips, visit the ISO’s Flex Alert website.
- Click here to learn more about System Alerts, Warnings and Emergencies.
- PG&E Currents (News) Update on this Flex Alert and other news
- Twitter: @PGE4Me, @California_ISO
- Facebook: @pacificgasandelectric, @CaliforniaISO
- PG&E Rotating Outage Website
Demand Response Programs
I have attached information regarding 2 Demand Response programs which can provide you financial benefits and help out the grid overall to prevent Rotating Outages.
BOMA OEB Local Contact:
Youran Kim
Senior Customer Relationship Manager
High Tech/Real Estate | Business Energy Solutions
Cell 408-728-5165
Senior Customer Relationship Manager
High Tech/Real Estate | Business Energy Solutions
Cell 408-728-5165