California Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on TPA
- By: admin
- On: 05/13/2024 12:52:10
- In: Codes & Standards
- Comments: 0
BOMA CAL - On May 8th, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments as they weigh whether or not to remove the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act from the November ballot. The measure would restore Proposition 13 protections, making it harder to raise taxes from the ballot.
BOMA California Administrator Matthew Hargrove was present on behalf of the commercial real estate industry. The court is expected to make its decision prior to June 27th, which is the deadline for the Secretary of State to certify the general election ballot. We will keep you informed once a decision has been made.
Pictured here: TPA co-sponsors Matthew Hargrove (CA Business Properties Association), Jon Coupal (Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association), and Rob Lapsley (CA Business Roundtable).
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