
Foundations of Real Estate Courses

BOMA's Foundations of Real Estate Course, a 5 week course held in San Francisco starting February 2nd, is a great opportunity for junior and assistant property managers.
Need a supplement to the training you prived your staff? Is one of your New Year's resolutions to further commit to building your own job skills? Foundations of Real Estate Management is a five module course delivered over five Fridays, starting February 2nd. The six-module, 30-hour entry-level curriculum covers all the fundamentals of commercial property management and serves as an introductory overview that lays the groundwork for more advanced education and certification courses. Each module contains a building tour of operations taught that day. This course is aimed at new-hires and is a refresher for those returning to operations.

2/2/2018 9:00 AM - 3/2/2018 4:00 PM
650 California Street
Lower Conference Room
San Francisco, CA United States

You can register for this class and any upcoming RPA courses for this year via the BOMA San Francisco website. For questions concerning the class, please contact Akiba Davis at BOMA San Francisco.



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