Support LA's Fire Victims
- By: admin
- On: 01/21/2025 13:32:34
- In: BOMA Updates
- Comments: 0
Join your BOMA Community as they support victims of the fires in Los Angeles by contributing to BOMA Greater Los Angeles' Second Wave Support Drive. This initiative is focused on addressing the ongoing needs of fire victims after the initial wave of aid has been delivered. BOMA/GLA member buildings will host collection boxes in their lobbies, allowing tenants and guests to contribute essential items. Your purchases from the provided list will complement these local efforts, helping us extend the reach and impact of the drive.
How Can You Help?
1. Donate Items: We've created an Amazon list of needed items that will directly support nonprofits and shelters working with fire victims.
2. Donate Gift Cards: Gift cards for grocery and pet stores can provide immediate and flexible assistance to families and individuals in need. Gift cards can be mailed directly to the BOMA/GLA Office at 700 S. Flower Street, Suite 590, Los Angeles, CA 90017.
3. Share the Initiative: Please help us expand our reach by sharing this donation drive with your network of colleagues, associations, and communities. Together, we can amplify the impact and provide meaningful support to those in need.
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