California Legislature, Don’t Limit How Much An Office Cleaner Can Do In An Hour
- By: admin
- On: 06/06/2024 13:54:05
- In: Government Affairs
- Comments: 0
BOMA Greater Los Angeles President Michele Ware authored an article in the Sacramento Bee discussing the costly impacts of Assembly Bill 2364. The bill threatens to create a bureaucratic nightmare, transforming the janitorial industry with unrealistic cleaning quotas and skyrocketing costs for employers.
By establishing a Council similar to the controversial Fast Food Council, this bill undermines flexibility and disproportionately targets non-union employers, paving the way for an avalanche of costly lawsuits.
Check out the article here.
BOMA is part of a coalition to push back on this bill. You can learn more by visiting the AB 2364 resource page.
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