Governor Newsom Announces Contract to Install 480 New High-Tech Cameras in East Bay to Improve Public Safety
- By: admin
- On: 04/01/2024 18:51:02
- In: Government Affairs
- Comments: 0
California is installing a network of 480 high-tech cameras in Oakland and the East Bay to aid law enforcement in identifying vehicles linked to crimes using real-time information and alerts.
When it was announced, Governor Newsom said “This investment marks another step forward in our commitment to bolstering public safety and tackling organized crime and roadway violence in Oakland and across California. With the installation of this 480 high-tech camera network, we're equipping law enforcement with the tools they need to effectively combat criminal activity and hold perpetrators accountable — building safer, stronger communities for all Californians.”
“Improving public safety and addressing quality of life issues in Oakland is my top priority,” said Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. “This new camera network will help us stop crime and hold more suspects accountable. On behalf of all Oaklanders, I want to thank the Governor and the California Highway Patrol for their ongoing commitment and investments in the city.”
“Working alongside all our law enforcement partners, the California Highway Patrol is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all Californians,” said CHP Commissioner Sean Duryee. “These sophisticated cameras will make an important difference — and make the entire East Bay region safer.”
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