Oakland Announces $2.5 Million Commitment Toward 911 Improvement Plan
- By: admin
- On: 09/12/2023 13:05:44
- In: BOMA Oakland/East Bay Buzz
- Comments: 0
The funding will come from the Oakland-Alameda Joint Power Authority, which experienced an increase in revenue. With this additional funding, Mayor Thao's Administration and the City Council are committed to a 911 improvement plan.
The announcement was made as the City continues to develop its timely response to the recent Alameda County Grand Jury report that addressed a number of 911-related issues. Work continues to improve and reinforce all the elements that contribute to the City's 911 response system – a system that receives more than 500,000 calls for service a year.
“Response times have been a long-standing issue for our City, and the current situation is unacceptable,” said Mayor Thao. “While we are currently working on our responses to the Grand Jury report on 911, we are proposing today that these additional funds be used to implement the recommendations of that report and our next steps in improving the system. I look forward to working with the Council to ensure that we put these funds directly to use for all Oaklanders.”
In addition to this announcement, City Administrator Jestin Johnson provided additional updates on Oakland's 911 response system, including increased recruitment and staffing for the dispatch centers, and modernization of the computer systems that automate and support those call-takers' work to swiftly connect callers' needs to the City's emergency responders.*
The Chamber continues our work to advocate for a comprehensive public safety strategy. Please contact Barbara Leslie if you have any additional questions or comments.
*Anyone interested in applying or learning more can visit https://www.
- Oakland Chamber of Commerce
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