BOMA SF, OEB Provide Comments on Proposed Plan to Ban Sale of Natural Gas Equipment by 2031
This week, BOMA San Francisco and Oakland East/Bay provided comments to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District on their proposed amendments to Rule 9-6, which regulates the emissions limits of nitrogen oxides from natural gas-fired water heaters and boilers. In laymen's terms: the proposal would require that, starting in 2031, commercial property owners purchase electric equipment.
The comments from BOMA SF and OEB ask for one clarification and one exemption from the rule. First, the rule should only apply when a system is at the end of its useful life and needs replacement, not when a system needs repairs. Second, BAAQMD should provide an exemption when a building has no pathway to electrification other than electric resistance heat. The BAAQMD will vote on the proposed rule changes on March 15. You can read the joint letter here.
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