ICYMI: 2018 Walter Finch Golf Classic
- By: admin
- On: 04/27/2018 15:52:37
- In: BOMA Updates
- Comments: 0
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: We had a blast this Monday at Round Hill Country Club for our annual Walter Finch Golf Classic. The tournament was a big hit and we're indebtted to our volunteers and sponsors (especially those who really got into the East Bay theme!) for all of their support. Read on for more on the event and to see pictures.
We had a raucus time this Monday at Round Hill Country Club for our annual Walter Finch Golf Classic. With clear skies and temps in the mid-eighties, we could not have asked for better weather to skip work and play a round of golf in!

The tournament was a big hit and we're indebtted to our volunteers and sponsors (especially those who really got into the East Bay theme!) for all of their support. Thank you to all who volunteered, donated, sponsored and/or attended the tournament! Click here to see the rest of the photo album for the Walter Finch Golf Classic.
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