
BOMA International: Save on the Nashville Conference

Commercial real estate is in the midst of one of the greatest transformations in history. We've moved from reentry to reimagining the future of our industry—and it's never been more critical to come together as a community.  That's why we're proud to offer a variety of ways to save on registration for the 2022 BOMA International Conference & Expo. Take advantage of special rates that make it easier for everyone on your team to attend.

Special Rates:
  • Team Conference Registration. Groups of 3 save $100, groups of 5 save $750+ and groups of 10 or more save $1,500+.
  • Building Engineers Join in for FREE. Building engineers can attend the conference for $0 with the Full Conference registration of someone else from their property.
  • First-Time Industrial Real Estate Managers & Facility Managers. Discounted rates are available for professionals in these roles who have not attended a BOMA International annual conference before.

Plus, you'll save even more when you register early! See all available discounts and secure your spot in Nashville for the most important commercial real estate event of the year today.


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